Saturday, April 26, 2014

On Symmetry

No pretty pictures this week.

  • Took a couple of shots at the cross guard on the sword using subdivision surface modifiers. Both ended up looking like double-sided dildos.
  • Research and practice with the symmetry functions (side note: GRRRRRR)
  • Tutorials on above.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Well It Starts with a Bloody S.

The google image search find.

Photoshop file for reference and proportions.

First fucked up attempt using a surface subdivision modifier (Yeah, not so much.)


Finished blade.

Let Me Axe You a Question

And the fucked up render. Talk about taking a knee at the 1 yard line.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Skyboxes are Hard and For Boys

So it turns out there isn't an easy mode for adding Skyboxes to a Leadwerks scene. The easiest way is not to easy, and involves using a script to create it on the fly during execution. So LUA isn' t something I can avoid anymore.

I spent a lot of time this week reading up about the language and basic syntax. It's not what I want to be doing but I think getting my head back in the scripting game will be a good thing in the long-term.

(Incidentally, I tried just copy-pasting someone else's skybox script into my terrain scene. Not only did it not create a Skybox; the map wouldn't even compile. Sadface.)