Tuesday, August 19, 2014

And then I cheated.

At the point of terminal frustration, I imported the JPG of the revolver into Blender and cut out the shape of the grip and trigger guard like taking scissors to a magazine. Whatever. A win's a win.


I took another crack at making the grip of the gun, this time drawing a shape with vertices which would then be, in theory, filled in to make a polygon:

It seemed to be working until I realized I'd somehow managed to make it a 3D shape instead of a 2D outline:

Back to the drawing board.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Complicated Shapes Are Complicated

I learned how to apply beveling to round out this...shape. What is this thing, in front of the cylinder?

Friday, June 13, 2014

Spending a lot of time making sure the proportions are accurate. I want this to be a portfolio piece that shows attention to detail and discipline (i.e. it's not a cartoon ray gun).